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In Bloom69

🎻240427/240504 뮤직뱅크(Music Bank) in 벨기에 - In Bloom, Crush, 뚜두뚜두, rewrite the stars ◆ 240124 2024 뮤직뱅크 월드투어 IN 앤트워프 [MusicBank World Tour IN Antwerp Teaser] 라인업 티저https://x.com/KBSMusicBank/status/1750045257209950569?s=20https://youtu.be/9JLpProrSFw?si=pyDO1f-muTKxfDl2    ◆240502 [티저] 2024 뮤직뱅크 월드투어 IN 벨기에 [MusicBank World Tour IN Belgium Teaser] l KBS 240504 방송https://youtu.be/4ZXcxDASEOw?si=qlVb_Z-mKATEaJMC    ◆240504 본방송#In Bloom+중간멘트+Crushhttps://x.com/ZB1_Sing_Dance/status.. 2024. 5. 5.
240501 / 240502 서울페스타 2024(Seoulfesta2024) 개막공연 - SWEAT, In Bloom, Crush ◆240404 라인업 1차 공개https://www.instagram.com/p/C5UWPSBySZO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==   ◆240408 티켓예매 일정 안내https://www.instagram.com/p/C5fsanItan3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==   ◆240502 본방송SWEAT - 제로베이스원(ZEROBASEONE) [서울페스타 2024 개막공연] | KBS 240502 방송https://youtu.be/PEc_IQlYbmM?si=-qBHK50Q24GA4BtP In Bloom - 제로베이스원(ZEROBASEONE) [서울페스타 2024 개막공연] | KBS 2.. 2024. 5. 4.
240413 골든웨이브 인 타이완(GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN) 직캠 모음(장하오 위주)- In Bloom, Crush, New Kidz on the Block, 상견니(想見你) ◆240413 직캠 💙- zb1 / 🧡-장하오#In Bloom[ wh ] 20240413 ZEROBASEONE(제로베이스원) ZB1 - In Bloom , Golden Wave in Taiwan , 4K Fancamhttps://youtu.be/IkGoYoLhUIU?si=82t_FknxnajOPIQT  #멘트[ wh ]  20240413 ZEROBASEONE(제로베이스원) ZB1 - Golden Wave in Taiwan , 4K Fancamhttps://youtu.be/hDW_6vSbSQ8?si=aYykesMM9VvBVxGZ   🧡 https://x.com/loveydiaryxx/status/1779108165898129500  X의 :)님(@loveydiaryxx)HOT🔥 #성한빈 #장하오tw.. 2024. 4. 8.
240331 / 240423 Kcon HongKong2024 - In Bloom, Crush, Melting Point, Energetic ◆ 240111 Are you ready for the KCON 2024 adventure?https://youtu.be/DvEWSh8rFoQ?si=Ss88mvWykUiPLFWj    ◆240207 [#KCONHONGKONG2024] 📢 KCON 2024 HONG KONG ARTIST 1st LINEUP 💖https://x.com/KCON_official/status/1755019541372101045?s=20     ◆240208 [#KCONHONGKONG2024] 📢 KCON 2024 HONG KONG ARTIST LINEUP 💖https://x.com/KCON_official/status/1755388607634845785?s=20    ◆240216 [#KCONHONGKONG2024] 𝗗.. 2024. 3. 31.
240331 ZEROBASEONEの目指せNo.1(ZEROBASEONE의 목표 No.1) - YURA YURA(유라유라 운명의 꽃), In Bloom ◆240309 예고 https://x.com/zerobaseone_no1/status/1766297866635796579?s=20 https://x.com/telasa_jp/status/1766298090661880058?s=20 https://x.com/ZB1_jp/status/1766298668427309542?s=20 ◆240320 2주전 예고 https://x.com/zerobaseone_no1/status/1770404980446626276?s=20 ◆240322 1주일전 예고 https://x.com/zerobaseone_no1/status/1771129700238184702?s=20 https://x.com/telasa_jp/status/1771129833835450626?s=20 ◆2403.. 2024. 3. 22.
240315 THE FIRST TAKE No.418 (In Bloom) ◆240314 예고 영상 https://x.com/The_FirstTake/status/1768245701379764488?s=20 ◆240315 the_firsttake 인스타 스토리 ◆240315 예고 https://x.com/The_FirstTake/status/1768562787922715009?s=20 ◆240315 ZEROBASEONE JP 트위터 https://x.com/ZB1_jp/status/1768567706859737542?s=20 ◆240315 the_firsttake 인스타 스토리 및 게시물 https://www.instagram.com/p/C4h3X65x4zS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ◆240315 ZEROBASE.. 2024. 3. 15.